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Friday, July 27, 2018

Scholastic Spotlight: Jordyn Blotsky

Author: Jordyn Blotsky
12th Grade
Educator: Leslie Mans
Watford City

There are shadows dancing on the ceiling
Strange shapes that seem to move smoothly like water
No one else seems to notice them
Only me
Why me?
What could I have possibly done?
Have I angered some God above?
Have I had a curse placed on me?
Have I sinned in some way I’ve yet to discover?
There are shadows dancing on the ceiling.
Black and red and blue,
Tumbling around like gymnasts.
Oh, why can’t no one else see them.
Now there’s a man standing in my door
I relax
It’s only my father, right?
This man holds a knife
I try to scream, to tell him to not hurt me
But nothing comes out of my mouth
It’s all just a dream, I tell myself
Nothing to get worked up about
If only someone else would see what I see
Maybe then I’ll be able to sleep
There are people dancing in the living room
There’s a rave going on in my bedroom
There’s loud voices
The taste of something sweet on my tongue
I turn to see if anyone else can see it
But the others watch television like nothing’s happening
The song talks about suicide
Oh, why must it talk to me?
The poem brings up death,
Oh, why must I relate?
The news talks about mental illness in the form of the latest killer
Oh, will I become that killer?
People talk about mental illness like a twisted fad,
Oh, when will they notice my pain?
Schizophrenia has taken its toll on me
I’m fighting a fight I cannot win must days.
I’m fighting for my life,
Oh, when will it be seen as brave?
When will I be able to be honest to others about it?
When will I be able to not be afraid of my mental illness?
Or upset by it?
Oh, I have a dream,
That one day I’ll be able to show to the world
Just how strong people with mental illnesses are.
Show them the strength it takes
To fight your mind everyday
To take a mental beating one day
And the next day come out strong.  

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