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Thursday, September 11, 2014

AuThursday: Helen Rappaport and The Romanov Sisters

The RRVWP Grand Forks Book Club met on August 27th to discuss The Romanov Sisters by Helen Rappaport and to eat beef stroganoff (a traditional Russian dish). 

The Romanov Sisters is a nonfiction book about the Romanov family and their lives, from birth to their untimely deaths. We found that while we were all really interested in the subject matter, we weren't really interested in the author's telling of it. The book was written more technically, without the narrative quality we prefer in a nonfiction book. 
(For more information about the book, click here).

We talked briefly about the Anastasia imposters (not mentioned in the book) and decided on another title for our fall line-up.  For September, we will be reading Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith.

--Andrea Scherer

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